FONO Series: Peripheral Neuropathy
Lynn Troy, ND, FABNO
Speaker Biography:
Lynn Repola Troy, ND, FABNO graduated from Bastyr University in 2004. She currently practices naturopathic oncology at Logan Health in Kalispell, Montana. She has over ten years of experience caring for cancer patients alongside mainstream oncologists.
She has been licensed in Montana since 2005 and practicing in the Flathead Valley since that time. Previous to her focus on oncology, she had a general naturopathic practice. Her other significant professional interest is mental health.
Peripheral neuropathy is commonly caused by chemotherapy and is often a treatment-limiting side effect. For this reason, preventing and treating peripheral neuropathy is an important skill for naturopaths in the oncology setting. Well-chosen natural medicines can reduce the risk of neuropathy and support nerve repair when it does occur. This comprehensive presentation will review prescription medications, natural medicines, and physical therapies that may be considered for managing peripheral neuropathy. The emphasis will be on the most current published information available. However, clinical observations and cases will also be offered.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the chemotherapy agents most likely to cause neuropathy and the known mechanisms behind this injury.
Recognize the prescription medications preferred by oncologists to manage peripheral neuropathy.
Select natural medicines to prevent and treat peripheral neuropathy.
Evaluate clinical scenarios when peripheral neuropathy may have more than one cause, or when a patient may have an increased risk of developing this condition.