The OncANP formed a Principles of Care task force for the purpose of developing a clear framework of how naturopathic doctors work with oncology patients to ensure safe and effective care.
This document provides guidance to naturopathic doctors working with cancer patients in the areas of assessment, case management, collaborative care, and survivorship care.
In 2019, the OncANP Principles of Care was published in Current Oncology – Click here for published OncANP Principles of Care

New Release
Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Releases Principles of Care Guidelines
February 28, 2019 – The Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OncANP) today announced the publication of its Principles of Care (POC) Guidelines for integrative cancer care. Disseminated through Current Oncology, this POC is a welcome addition to medical literature.
The POC Guidelines provide a safe, effective, evidence-informed approach for Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) who focus on the care of patients diagnosed with cancer. It details what should be present in naturopathic oncology patient management. It is not meant to be prescriptive or to provide instructive advice on therapeutic options. The Guidelines recommend how best to deliver patient-centered care in the areas of assessment, treatment planning, care management, interprofessional collaboration, and survivorship care.
The POC also serves as a valuable resource for conventional oncology providers seeking to understand the naturopathic and integrative oncology care model and the potential for collaboration. It is designed to support NDs, oncologists, surgeons, and all healthcare practitioners as they work together to help improve cancer treatment.
What is driving this transformation of care? Some studies show up to 87% of cancer patients are choosing integrative oncology, or non-conventional treatments, alongside conventional standard care. Patients are demanding integrative cancer treatment options and there is an increase in published research documenting the safety and efficacy of natural and supportive therapies.
Dr. Heather Wright, ND, FABNO, President of OncANP explains: “ND oncology providers play a very important role in cancer care. They are trained to employ a wide range of natural therapeutics and supportive strategies to help achieve positive patient outcomes based on scientific evidence, long-standing traditional use, and patient preference. Our newly published guiding principles reflect the expertise and thought leadership of OncANP and naturopathic oncology providers,” adds Wright. “As our profession continues to grow, standard principles are needed in order for NDs to be effective providers in the larger care team for cancer patients.”
“The Principles of Care Guidelines were developed by a varied group of leading experts and is based on the most current and relevant evidence,” said Dr. Eric Marsden, ND, Founder of the Marsden Centre for Excellence in Integrative Medicine, and Chair of the OncANP POC Committee. “It has been reviewed by NDs, medical and radiation oncologists, surgeons, policy experts, and OncANP membership. Now ready for dissemination, our goal is to achieve broad adoption by NDs practicing integrative cancer care, and to help support ALL clinicians serving patients with cancer.”
In an editorial accompanying the article, Dr. Dugald Seely, ND, FABNO Founder & Executive Director of the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre and Dr. Shailendra Verma, MD (Retired Oncologist of The Ottawa Hospital) wrote: “What binds all providers together is the goal of delivering the best care for patients in a manner that is multidisciplinary, honors patient choice, is scientifically sound, supports the whole person, and achieves the best quality of life for patients.”
Read the full POC Guidelines in Current Oncology published by OncANP.
Read the companion editorial in Current Oncology by Dr. Dugald Seely, ND, and Dr. Shailendra Verma, MD.