Conscious Living, Conscious Dying with Judy Fulop, ND, FABNO
1 CE (.25 rx)
Learning Objectives:
Explain consciousness, the relationship between conscious living and conscious dying within the framework of a cancer diagnosis
List three processes that you can provide/teach to your patient for conscious living
Discuss the dying philosophy/process through the perspective of the anthroposophical, Tibetan, and Shaman perspective with visual examples of the work of a Shaman in the Pediatric ICU with parents and a dying child.
Explain the work of dying, benefits of current medical psychedelics during dying stages, and the timing of different etheric bodies that leave during the dying process
Provide examples that a Deathing Doula or other specialist can provide for patients in the dying process, at death and for the family afterwards.
Provide options that can be given to the patient and family for choices around morphine use, homeopathics, VSED, natural death, home funeral, green burial
1 CE (.25 rx)
Learning Objectives:
Explain consciousness, the relationship between conscious living and conscious dying within the framework of a cancer diagnosis
List three processes that you can provide/teach to your patient for conscious living
Discuss the dying philosophy/process through the perspective of the anthroposophical, Tibetan, and Shaman perspective with visual examples of the work of a Shaman in the Pediatric ICU with parents and a dying child.
Explain the work of dying, benefits of current medical psychedelics during dying stages, and the timing of different etheric bodies that leave during the dying process
Provide examples that a Deathing Doula or other specialist can provide for patients in the dying process, at death and for the family afterwards.
Provide options that can be given to the patient and family for choices around morphine use, homeopathics, VSED, natural death, home funeral, green burial
1 CE (.25 rx)
Learning Objectives:
Explain consciousness, the relationship between conscious living and conscious dying within the framework of a cancer diagnosis
List three processes that you can provide/teach to your patient for conscious living
Discuss the dying philosophy/process through the perspective of the anthroposophical, Tibetan, and Shaman perspective with visual examples of the work of a Shaman in the Pediatric ICU with parents and a dying child.
Explain the work of dying, benefits of current medical psychedelics during dying stages, and the timing of different etheric bodies that leave during the dying process
Provide examples that a Deathing Doula or other specialist can provide for patients in the dying process, at death and for the family afterwards.
Provide options that can be given to the patient and family for choices around morphine use, homeopathics, VSED, natural death, home funeral, green burial