Member Spotlight
Amy Littlefield, ND, FABNO, LAc, MSOM
How did you get into Naturopathic Oncology?
A rotation at the IEP clinic in Portland with Edie Vickers ND LAc was a definitive experience in my training. I saw profound examples of resilience among very sick patients. These were not ‘worried well’ patients but truly ill people who received the benefits of naturopathic and Chinese Medicine. I was motivated to be a part of the teams offering demonstrable and safe interventions for these people. Even dying patients can heal.
What do you do during your downtime and/or what do you do for fun?
I take advantage of Vermont’s outdoor lifestyle with biking, boating, hiking, and skiing. I’m also a reluctant hockey mom and spend a lot of time shivering in ice rinks.
What is your “broken record statement” to your patients- i.e., what is that you tell your patients the most?
Patients often arrive wondering what they should stop doing – gluten, sugar, dairy. Operating from a primary place of restriction and sometimes shame is unacceptable and incompatible with healing. My focus begins with what we add that will offer traction and momentum- movement, improved sleep, and vegetables. I seek opportunities for buoyancy first and the rest follows.
About your clinic:
Dr. Littlefield Practices at Vermont Wellness Medicine and Integrative Oncology in Middlebury, Vermont and collaborates with regional oncology centers including Dartmouth and the University of Vermont Cancer Centers