Cancer Therapy Induced Myelosuppression
Nalini Chilkov, LAc, OMD
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D. combines her diverse training in Traditional Oriental Medicine, Modern Biomedicine and Cell Biology with more than 30 years in private practice.
Dr. Chilkov is a respected expert in Collaborative Integrative Cancer Care, known both for her meticulous attention to detail and individualized treatment plans as well as her warmth and compassion. She is a seasoned clinician and an innovator, building bridges between modern and traditional healing paradigms and partnering with physicians to provide best outcomes for patients. She has been a lecturer at the School of Medicine at UCLA and UC Irvine in California as well as many schools of Traditional Oriental and Naturopathic Medicine over her long career.
Dr. Chilkov has a lifelong involvement in creative and meditative arts and has studied dance and music in West Africa. An avid hiker, Dr. Chilkov has climbed mountains in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
Dr. Chilkov has provided her patients with truly personal and individualized Integrative Care and brings a wealth of wisdom and expertise to her practice. Her clinic, designed to be a serene and healing environment, is located Santa Monica (Los Angeles), CA.